Mistra-Autex AS

quality non woven and tufted carpet products

Mistra-Autex AS


Mistra-Autex is one of the most modern, cost effective first and second tier suppliers of high quality non-woven and tufting, plain and moulded carpet products in Europe.

With a turnover approximately 27 million Euros, 95 per cent of products are supplied to the automotive industry. The products are also well-reputed in furniture and footwear industries and in the aftersales markets.

All products are designed to meet the specific requirements and needs of customers and are economically beneficial to both parties.

Reliability, flexibility, creative solutions and high quality service are the characteristics that our partners can always associate with the brand of Mistra.

Know How & Technology

Our experienced employees, technological know how and world class technical capabilities enable us to offer our customers full service that includes high-level design, engineering and production.

Among our skills are the design, engineering, manufacturing, testing, and assembly of different systems for passenger cars, trucks and industrial vehicles. We develop solutions for interiors and baggage space as well as exteriors. In addition to the automotive industry, we develop and produce materials and systems for the furniture industry.

In our development branch we use:

CATIA V5 for designing and engineering
CALYPSO 5,0 for measuring and analyzing
Our data exhange possibilities include HyperKVS and OFTP/EDI ENGDAT.

Our in-house laboratory is specialised in automotive carpet and part testing which requires a wide range of equipment, including 3D measuring machine Carl Zeiss Accura II , Climate test chamber and Spectrophotometer CM2600d.

Our experienced employees, technological know how and world class technical capabilities enable us to offer our customers full service that includes high-level design, engineering and production.

Among our skills are the design, engineering, manufacturing, testing, and assembly of different systems for passenger cars, trucks and industrial vehicles. We develop solutions for interiors and baggage space as well as exteriors. In addition to the automotive industry, we develop and produce materials and systems for the furniture industry.

CATIA V5 for designing and engineering
CALYPSO 5,0 for measuring and analyzing
Our data exhange possibilities include HyperKVS and OFTP/EDI ENGDAT.

Our in-house laboratory is specialised in automotive carpet and part testing which requires a wide range of equipment, including 3D measuring machine Carl Zeiss Accura II , Climate test chamber and Spectrophotometer CM2600d.

Our History

The company was founded in 1986

with the purpose of producing non-woven carpets for the Soviet automotive industry. Up to the year 1999, the firm supplied the entire interior and luggage compartment carpets to the main automotive factories in Russia, like Lada (Togliatti), Moskvitch (Moscow) and GAZ (Nizhny Novgorod).

Since 1993, Mistra-Autex has been a private enterprise.
In 1999, the company bought and installed tufting machines and since then has been producing carpets and moulded carpet products for the most automotive first tier suppliers in the EU and the UK.

In 2000, we developed our know how in moulding processes and bought low moulding and standard injection machines. After a few years, we started to assemble load floors and seat backs.
In 2005, the management team bought out the company from private investors.

Years of Experience
0 +
Annual turnover
0 M+ €
0 +

Our Clients


our materials are represented…


Mistra products are represented in many countries.


Scandinavia 27%

Estonia 2%

UK 11%

Europe 60%

Our policy –


Mistra is committed to the 0-defect principle and the continuous improvement of products and processes. It is our goal to achieve customer satisfaction through excellent quality and reliability of all products. We apply multi-level quality control (including product and process monitoring and in-house laboratory) to detect and prevent quality problems and ensure premium quality to our customer.
Mistra’s quality system is certified according to the automotive standard IATF 16949. We also hold several accreditations from our customers, e.g. Ford Q1 and Volkswagen A-Rating, also Volvo Cars Quality Excellence Award and Adient Supplier Performance Award.

Mistra’s production and process development is set up in an environmentally responsible manner. We aim at minimizing the environmental impact of our activities through efficient use of materials and optimization of processes, while maintaining the quality and reliability of our products. Mistra’s environmental management system is certified according to ISO 14001 requirements.

Mistra’s in-house laboratory is specialised in automotive carpet and part testing and contains a wide range of equipment, including 3D measuring machine Carl Zeiss Accura and Climate test chamber.

Connect with us


Feel free to contact us for any enquiry.

Company info

Mistra-Autex AS
Reg.no: 10060658
VAT no: EE100442102
DUNS no: 55 259 4202

Tel: +372 6056700
Fax: +372 6768061
E-mail: mistra@mistra.ee

Paju 2
Raasiku 75203
Harju Maakond

Project "Resource-Efficient Production in Mistra-Autex AS"

The project “Resource-Efficient Production in Mistra-Autex AS” received support from the European Regional Development Fund.
Project summary:
Under the project, the company will replace the production equipment with a more innovative and economical equipment.
Project Objective and Outcome:
The objective is to increase resource productivity in the company through the adoption of innovative technologies, resulting in a 2.1% increase in resource usage.
Amount of Support:
186 481 euros

Project "Supporting the Digital Transformation of Mistra-Autex AS"

The project “Supporting the Digital Transformation of Mistra-Autex AS“ received funding from the European Union’s NextGenerationEU Recovery Fund.
Project summary:
As a result of the project, the digitalization of Mistra-Autex AS’s production will be increased, thereby enhancing the company’s added value per employee.
Project Objective and Outcome:
As a result of the measure, a new generation ERP system will be adopted by the company, which will allow for better collection, analysis, and optimization of information related to production, purchasing, sales, quality, and warehouse processes. This software also enables easy integration with other software solutions used within the company. Additionally, the company will acquire servers and the associated hardware necessary to operate the software. The measure includes the acquisition of hardware and software, software development, training, and the implementation process.
Amount of Support:
258,879.31 euros

Project "Increasing the Supply Security of Mistra-Autex AS"

The aim of the project “Increasing the Supply Security of Mistra-Autex AS” is to utilize electricity produced from a renewable energy source (photovoltaic solar energy) and to increase the company’s supply security. As a result of the project, a solar power plant for local renewable energy production has been established and put into use, with the renewable energy produced being consumed by the company, thereby improving supply security with electricity. The project is partially funded by the European Union’s Recovery Fund NextGenerationEU, with a grant amount of 94,484.10 euros.

Project "Increasing the security of supply of Mistra-Autex AS through electrification"

The goal of the project “Increasing the security of supply of Mistra-Autex AS through electrification” is to switch from fossil fuels to a renewable energy source through electrification, replacing forklifts and stackers powered by fossil energy with equipment powered by renewable electricity. As a result of the project, 4 electric forklifts and a stacker with chargers and additional batteries have been put into use to ensure a continuous work process, the use of fossil fuels is reduced. The project is partially financed from the resources of the European Union’s NextGenerationEU recovery fund, the amount of the support is 72651 euros.

Project "Improving Resource Utilization at Mistra Autex"

The aim of the project “Improving Resource Utilization at Mistra Autex” is to enhance resource and energy efficiency as well as resource productivity within the company through the adoption of innovative green technologies and solutions. This initiative contributes to a climate-neutral economy and adaptation to climate change by implementing a needle processing line. The project is partially funded by the European Union’s Cohesion and Internal Security Policy Fund for the 2021–2027 period, with a grant amounting to 1,000,000 euros.

Projekt „Ressursikasutuse parendamine ettevõttes Mistra Autex“

Projekti „Ressursikasutuse parendamine ettevõttes Mistra Autex“ eesmärk on suurendada ettevõttes ressursi- ja energiatõhusust ning ressursitootlikkust innovaatiliste rohetehnoloogiate ja lahenduste kasutuselevõtu kaudu, et aidata kaasa kliimaneutraalsele majandusele ja kliimamuutustega kohanemisele, võttes selleks kasutusele nõeltöötlusliini. Projekti rahastatakse osaliselt perioodi 2021–2027 Euroopa Liidu ühtekuuluvus- ja siseturvalisuspoliitika fondi vahenditest, toetuse summa on 1 000 000 eurot.

Projekt „Mistra-Autex AS varustuskindluse suurendamine elektrifitseerimise teel“

Projekti „Mistra-Autex AS varustuskindluse suurendamine elektrifitseerimise teel“ eesmärk on fossiilkütustelt üle minna taastuvenergia allikale elektrifitseerimise teel, asendades fossiilsel energial töötavad tõstukid ja virnastaja taastuval elektrienergial töötavate seadmetega. Projekti tulemusena on kasutusse võetud 4 elektritõstukit ja virnastaja koos laadijate ning lisaakudega pideva tööprotsessi tagamiseks, väheneb fossiilkütuste kasutus. Projekti rahastatakse osaliselt Euroopa Liidu taasterahastu NextGenerationEU vahenditest, toetuse summa on 72651 eurot.

Projekt „Mistra-Autex AS varustuskindluse suurendamine“

Projekti „Mistra-Autex AS varustuskindluse suurendamine“ eesmärk on kasutusse võtta taastuvenergia allikast (fotogalvaaniline päikeseenergia) toodetud elektrienergia ja suurendada ettevõtte varustuskindlust. Projekti tulemusena on rajatud ja kasutusse võetud lokaalse taastuvenergia tootmiseks päikeseelektrijaam, milles toodetav taastuvenergia tarbitakse ettevõttes ja mis parandab elektrienergiaga varustuskindlust. Projekti rahastatakse osaliselt Euroopa Liidu taasterahastu NextGenerationEU vahenditest, toetuse summa on 94484,10 eurot.

Projekt „Mistra-Autex AS digipöörde toetus”

Projekt „Mistra-Autex AS digipöörde toetus” sai toetust Euroopa Liidu taasterahastu NextGenerationEU vahenditest.
Projekti lühikokkuvõte:
Projekti tulemusel suurendatakse Mistra-Autex AS tootmise digitaliseeritust ning suurendatakse seeläbi ettevõtte lisandväärtust töötaja kohta.
Projekti eesmärk ja tulemus:
Meetme tulemusena võetakse ettevõttes kasutusele uue põlvkonna ERP-süsteem, mis võimaldab paremini koguda, analüüsida ja optimeerida tootmis-, ostu-, müügi-, kvaliteedi- ja laoprotsessidega seotud teavet. See tarkvara võimaldab ka lihtsat integreerimist teiste ettevõttes kasutusel olevate tarkvaralahendustega. Meetme raames soetatakse ettevõttesse ka serverid ning nendega kaasnev riistvara, mis on vajalikud tarkvara käitamiseks. Meede hõlmab riistavara ja tarkvara soetamist, tarkvaraarendust, koolitusi ja juurutusprotsessi.
Toetuse summa:
258 879.31 eurot

Projekt „Ressursitõhus tootmine Mistra-Autex AS-is“

Projekt „Ressursitõhus tootmine Mistra-Autex AS-is“ sai toetust Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondist.
Projekti lühikokkuvõte:
Projekti raames vahetab ettevõte tootmisseadmed välja innovaatilisema ja ökonoomsema vastu.
Projekti eesmärk ja tulemus:
Eesmärk on tõsta ettevõttes ressursi tootlikkust läbi innovaatiliste tehnoloogiate kasutuselevõtu, mille tulemuseks on ressursikasutuse kasv 2,1%.
Toetuse summa:
186 481 eurot