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Project "Resource-Efficient Production in Mistra-Autex AS"

The project “Resource-Efficient Production in Mistra-Autex AS” received support from the European Regional Development Fund.
Project summary:
Under the project, the company will replace the production equipment with a more innovative and economical equipment.
Project Objective and Outcome:
The objective is to increase resource productivity in the company through the adoption of innovative technologies, resulting in a 2.1% increase in resource usage.
Amount of Support:
186 481 euros

Project "Supporting the Digital Transformation of Mistra-Autex AS"

The project “Supporting the Digital Transformation of Mistra-Autex AS“ received funding from the European Union’s NextGenerationEU Recovery Fund.
Project summary:
As a result of the project, the digitalization of Mistra-Autex AS’s production will be increased, thereby enhancing the company’s added value per employee.
Project Objective and Outcome:
As a result of the measure, a new generation ERP system will be adopted by the company, which will allow for better collection, analysis, and optimization of information related to production, purchasing, sales, quality, and warehouse processes. This software also enables easy integration with other software solutions used within the company. Additionally, the company will acquire servers and the associated hardware necessary to operate the software. The measure includes the acquisition of hardware and software, software development, training, and the implementation process.
Amount of Support:
258,879.31 euros

Project "Increasing the Supply Security of Mistra-Autex AS"

The aim of the project “Increasing the Supply Security of Mistra-Autex AS” is to utilize electricity produced from a renewable energy source (photovoltaic solar energy) and to increase the company’s supply security. As a result of the project, a solar power plant for local renewable energy production has been established and put into use, with the renewable energy produced being consumed by the company, thereby improving supply security with electricity. The project is partially funded by the European Union’s Recovery Fund NextGenerationEU, with a grant amount of 94,484.10 euros.

Project "Increasing the security of supply of Mistra-Autex AS through electrification"

The goal of the project “Increasing the security of supply of Mistra-Autex AS through electrification” is to switch from fossil fuels to a renewable energy source through electrification, replacing forklifts and stackers powered by fossil energy with equipment powered by renewable electricity. As a result of the project, 4 electric forklifts and a stacker with chargers and additional batteries have been put into use to ensure a continuous work process, the use of fossil fuels is reduced. The project is partially financed from the resources of the European Union’s NextGenerationEU recovery fund, the amount of the support is 72651 euros.

Projekt „RessursitĂ”hus tootmine Mistra-Autex AS-is“

Projekt „RessursitĂ”hus tootmine Mistra-Autex AS-is“ sai toetust Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondist.
Projekti lĂŒhikokkuvĂ”te:
Projekti raames vahetab ettevÔte tootmisseadmed vÀlja innovaatilisema ja ökonoomsema vastu.
Projekti eesmÀrk ja tulemus:
EesmÀrk on tÔsta ettevÔttes ressursi tootlikkust lÀbi innovaatiliste tehnoloogiate kasutuselevÔtu, mille tulemuseks on ressursikasutuse kasv 2,1%.
Toetuse summa:
186 481 eurot

Projekt „Mistra-Autex AS digipöörde toetus”

Projekt „Mistra-Autex AS digipöörde toetus” sai toetust Euroopa Liidu taasterahastu NextGenerationEU vahenditest.
Projekti lĂŒhikokkuvĂ”te:
Projekti tulemusel suurendatakse Mistra-Autex AS tootmise digitaliseeritust ning suurendatakse seelÀbi ettevÔtte lisandvÀÀrtust töötaja kohta.
Projekti eesmÀrk ja tulemus:
Meetme tulemusena vĂ”etakse ettevĂ”ttes kasutusele uue pĂ”lvkonna ERP-sĂŒsteem, mis vĂ”imaldab paremini koguda, analĂŒĂŒsida ja optimeerida tootmis-, ostu-, mĂŒĂŒgi-, kvaliteedi- ja laoprotsessidega seotud teavet. See tarkvara vĂ”imaldab ka lihtsat integreerimist teiste ettevĂ”ttes kasutusel olevate tarkvaralahendustega. Meetme raames soetatakse ettevĂ”ttesse ka serverid ning nendega kaasnev riistvara, mis on vajalikud tarkvara kĂ€itamiseks. Meede hĂ”lmab riistavara ja tarkvara soetamist, tarkvaraarendust, koolitusi ja juurutusprotsessi.
Toetuse summa:
258 879.31 eurot

Projekt „Mistra-Autex AS varustuskindluse suurendamine“

Projekti „Mistra-Autex AS varustuskindluse suurendamine“ eesmĂ€rk on kasutusse vĂ”tta taastuvenergia allikast (fotogalvaaniline pĂ€ikeseenergia) toodetud elektrienergia ja suurendada ettevĂ”tte varustuskindlust. Projekti tulemusena on rajatud ja kasutusse vĂ”etud lokaalse taastuvenergia tootmiseks pĂ€ikeseelektrijaam, milles toodetav taastuvenergia tarbitakse ettevĂ”ttes ja mis parandab elektrienergiaga varustuskindlust. Projekti rahastatakse osaliselt Euroopa Liidu taasterahastu NextGenerationEU vahenditest, toetuse summa on 94484,10 eurot.

Projekt „Mistra-Autex AS varustuskindluse suurendamine elektrifitseerimise teel“

Projekti „Mistra-Autex AS varustuskindluse suurendamine elektrifitseerimise teel“ eesmĂ€rk on fossiilkĂŒtustelt ĂŒle minna taastuvenergia allikale elektrifitseerimise teel, asendades fossiilsel energial töötavad tĂ”stukid ja virnastaja taastuval elektrienergial töötavate seadmetega. Projekti tulemusena on kasutusse vĂ”etud 4 elektritĂ”stukit ja virnastaja koos laadijate ning lisaakudega pideva tööprotsessi tagamiseks, vĂ€heneb fossiilkĂŒtuste kasutus. Projekti rahastatakse osaliselt Euroopa Liidu taasterahastu NextGenerationEU vahenditest, toetuse summa on 72651 eurot.